Beyond the Soulmate Myth: Building Balanced and Fulfilling Relationships

Srinivas Rao
5 min readJul 29, 2024


In the quest for love and companionship, many individuals fall into the trap of believing that one person can fulfill all their needs. This mindset often leads to unhealthy relationship dynamics and personal dissatisfaction. By exploring the complexities of modern dating and the psychology behind successful partnerships, we can uncover strategies for building more balanced and fulfilling romantic connections.

The journey to finding a compatible partner is fraught with challenges, from navigating the digital landscape of dating apps to managing personal insecurities and societal expectations. However, by adopting a more holistic approach to relationships and maintaining a strong sense of self, individuals can create meaningful connections without sacrificing their independence or well-being.

The Pitfalls of Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket

Investing all of one’s emotional energy and time into a single romantic relationship can be a risky proposition. Just as financial advisors recommend diversifying investment portfolios, the same principle applies to our personal lives. Jenny Taitz highlights this analogy:

“It seems like a really poor investment to like take all your, let’s just say metaphorically, take all your, your diverse portfolio and put it into one risky stock. Seems pretty crazy.”

This perspective underscores the importance of maintaining a balanced life, complete with diverse relationships, interests, and personal pursuits. By avoiding the temptation to make one person the center of our universe, we create a more stable foundation for both personal growth and romantic success.

Overcoming Past Experiences and Present Anxieties

Our past experiences and current anxieties can significantly impact our approach to dating and relationships. However, it’s crucial to recognize that these factors don’t have to define our future. By addressing these concerns head-on, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities in our romantic lives.

Jenny Taitz poses a thought-provoking question:

“If you did not feel anxious about your age or if you didn’t feel like your past experience was affecting your present, what would be different in your mind about your dating life?”

This question encourages self-reflection and challenges individuals to imagine a dating life free from the constraints of past experiences or current worries. By visualizing this alternative perspective, we can begin to identify and address the mental barriers that may be holding us back from forming meaningful connections.

Fostering Independence Within Relationships

Maintaining individual identity and independence within a romantic partnership is crucial for long-term satisfaction and personal growth. Jenny Taitz cautions against the common pitfall of losing oneself in a relationship:

“They think that like one person is their path. You were saying about once those people losing all their friends when they meet someone, and I think that’s really problematic because your person can’t be your, everything that’s not gonna realistically fulfill you.”

This insight highlights the importance of maintaining a strong support network and personal interests outside of a romantic relationship. By nurturing our individual identities and connections, we create a more resilient foundation for love and partnership.

The Impact of Technology on Modern Dating

The rise of dating apps and online platforms has revolutionized the way people meet and form connections. While these tools offer unprecedented access to potential partners, they also present unique challenges. Jenny Taitz addresses the darker side of app-based dating:

“This is a really hard time. I just think these app-based dating and social media are doing still much, no matter what I do, it’s going to be having a hard time undoing the pain that those avenues are creating.”

She emphasizes the need for a cultural shift in how we approach online dating, advocating for greater empathy and consideration:

“I wish there was something I could do to inculcate my children against romantic pain, but it seems like there’s so much overriding that.”

The Science of Attraction and Long-lasting Love

Understanding the psychological and biological factors that contribute to attraction and lasting relationships can help individuals make more informed decisions in their romantic lives. Jenny Taitz distinguishes between the initial spark of attraction and the deeper connection that develops over time:

“I fell in lust a lot. Which was like this initial attraction either because someone’s really hilarious and there’s like this instant sense of like, wow, this person like brings me so much joy or instant physical attraction.”

She goes on to describe how her own experience of falling in love with her husband differed from previous relationships:

“I didn’t start out as lust. I mean, I thought he was like kind of attractive, but I, I thought he was attractive, but I didn’t. I shouldn’t say kind of, I was attracted to him, but I was just very like centered and balanced and sort of focused on like my life is great. If I meet someone, that’s great. If I don’t, that’s great.”

This balanced approach to dating, free from desperation or idealization, allowed for a more authentic connection to develop organically.

Practical Strategies for Healthy Dating

Jenny Taitz offers several practical strategies for individuals looking to improve their dating experiences and build healthier relationships:

  1. Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment and avoid getting caught up in past experiences or future anxieties.
  2. Cultivate a fulfilling life outside of romantic relationships, maintaining friendships and personal interests.
  3. Be honest and authentic in your interactions, treating potential partners with the same respect and consideration you would give a good friend.
  4. Focus on shared values and long-term compatibility rather than superficial attributes or instant chemistry.
  5. Develop emotional regulation skills to better navigate the ups and downs of dating and relationships.

By implementing these strategies and maintaining a balanced perspective, individuals can approach dating with greater confidence and increase their chances of forming meaningful, lasting connections.

The journey to finding love and building a healthy relationship is complex and multifaceted. By understanding the psychological principles at play and adopting a mindful, balanced approach to dating, we can create more fulfilling romantic lives while maintaining our sense of self and independence.

Discover the Science of Being Single and Happy

Join us for a deep dive into the science of being single and happy with renowned psychologist and relationship expert, Jenny Taitz. This episode challenges societal norms and explores how one can find happiness and fulfillment outside of a romantic relationship. Jenny’s insights, backed by years of clinical experience, could transform your understanding of love, happiness, and self-fulfillment. Don’t miss this opportunity to redefine your relationship with yourself. Tune in today!



Srinivas Rao

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